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Low notability given to E³UDRES² activities by the internal IPS audience.


E³UDRES² is based on the European Union’s fundamental values as defined in the Treaty of Lisbon (2009) and is of course strongly committed to standards and guidelines of the European Higher Education Area 1. Some of the values of E³UDRES² are: Ethical behaviour, Gender equality, Diverse communities, Inclusive approaches and Creative, curious and inspired co-ideation.

EUDRES Brand Personality

E³UDRES² defines itself as a young, enterprising, intelligent and sustainable brand.


E³UDRES² positioning in the market involves a strategy focused on benefits. After analyzing the brand's communication, it is concluded that its language extols the benefits derived from participating in its various activities.

Advertising Goals

Increase visibility and educate the target audience, providing information and advice to students interested in working in a European country other than their own, gaining notoriety and adherence of the target audience to E³UDRES² activities.


IPS students aged between 18 and 25, jobseekers who want to take on new experiences and challenges across Europe.

Project developed for the discipline "Advertising Creativity" of the 2nd year of the degree in marketing at the Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal

Trio de três

Website made by: Bárbara Eleotério, Débora Martins e Marta Ramos

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